How Most Independent Music Artists Make Money – It’s Not Easy, Believe Me


Let’s face the fact that it’s not easy to sell your music and make money, especially when you’re an independent musician, not because you’re not a good musician, but because you don’t know how to sell and market yourself properly. Ten years ago this statement might not be true, but with the ease of creating digital music (thanks to i-tunes and Internet technology), and every day thousands of independent musicians join the wagon increasing complexity and competition for you.

Singers can consider their careers successful when they’ve won a contract with the big names in the record industry. Unfortunately, many singers will never see this level of success because they don’t know the simple keys. What does this mean for an independent artist like you? You want to throw the vase of flowers in a mirror and break it into pieces like your dream of having shattered success after all the hard work you did in vain and didn’t make you earn money or fame, you want to feel like you weren’t worth it just because some other musician is much more talented than you and made his way with your luck and fame or you just want to sit there and make yourself miserable because all this work didn’t work as you expected it to work.

No way if you don’t learn to love yourself and believe in yourself, you’ll never make it anyway, the first and most important key to success is to believe in yourself and fight until the last breath left in your body. As the saying goes “Survival of the strongest”.

Practically speaking, there is an endless number of cats and dogs out there – just like you – who want to make this music thing go wrong. I mean, very bad. And by now you know it’s a jungle out there, whether you eat others or others will eat you for dinner, so if your heart isn’t 100% on it, then you’re just wasting your time and you can quit. If you’ve read this article so far, then you’re still with me… GOOD, so let’s move on.


You know your NICHE: Before you start marketing yourself you need to know who and what your niche is, you need to know what kind of people like your music is the youngest or the one at the party, you need to know all the information about your listeners and the people who are interested in your music about their age, occupation, sex, fashion, it is very important that you know your people and your fans and what makes them work, ultimately, they are the ones who are going to decide if they are going to leave you or if they are going to greet you.

The best way to find your NICHE is to play your music in local clubs, it’s from there that you can see what kind of music makes people approach your songs. Don’t be shy, you have to be as sociable as you’ve never been, make friends with DJs, Dancers and other people with the same interests as yours, as they are the ones who will help you succeed. People will tell you directly if they liked your singing or your music, rather they will take their feedback very seriously and work accordingly.

Since I know a friend who is a talented musician and a singer who has developed his own unique personality, believe me that this guy is so sociable that he would make people dance to his music like it or not because he makes people get so involved in his music and his songs that people start to like them.


Build Your Presence Online: The Internet is one of the most powerful ways to communicate and make your presence felt in the world. Build a website with your BIO and show your music on it. So that the people who visit your website get an idea of who you are and what your music really looks like.

Make the most of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut so that people of similar interest can connect with you at all stages and also so that you have a great opportunity to increase your fan base. Create a landing page, the landing page presents information that is relevant to the visitor. These can display text, images, dynamic compilations of relevant links or other elements. Work on your Blog and write interesting articles about your programs, your promotions and the things you do as people, like gossip, which is the best way to make people listen to you.


Make SALES: Once you build a certain repo in the marketplace, it’s time to make some sales, first get your music and your work licensed and copyrighted from the appropriate authorities. Create a payment system on your website where people can buy online, you can also use the third party payment acceptance system, but be prepared to share a portion of your sales. Make use of the affiliate marketing programs that are available to you.

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