
Modern agriculture is divided between two fundamental approaches.

One is the intensive cultivation of genetically modified plants, with chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and artificial fungicides. Intensive agriculture obtains a maximum volume of low-quality product full of contaminants. The other method is organic farming, which takes a more natural, slow but sustainable approach. These two approaches, industrial and natural, also apply to hemp and the production of CBD oils.

Hemp derivatives have undergone something of a renaissance in recent times. Products made from hemp, such as cloth bags or lotions, are available and very popular in all kinds of shops. The growing demand for this plant is leading many farmers to take the path of intensive cultivation.

This focus on quick profit continues in the production of CBD oil, where some manufacturers (not us!) use remnants of the industrial hemp process as raw material to obtain cannabidiol in an affordable way. They then use industrial solvents to extract CBD (or THC) using various traditional extraction techniques. In this way they maximize their profits at the expense of the quality of their products and the health of the consumer.

The solvent problem

Manufacturers who put their profits before product quality extract cannabinoids using solvents so that they can achieve the maximum amount of CBD. The solvents that many manufacturers use, such as petroleum, naphtha, butane and other hydrocarbons, can cause different types of disease. When these solvents are not completely removed from the product, they will be ingested, inhaled or absorbed by the consumer along with the CBD.

A good hemp extract should be free of toxins and contain the maximum amount of natural biochemical compounds such as amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, fatty acids and flavonoids. Above all, they should contain many terpenes such as myrcene, beta-caryophyllene, terpinolene, limonene or pinene, among many others. The best quality CBD oils include more than 80 different legal cannabinoids, such as CBD, CBC, CBG or CBN. They should not contain traces of synthetic chemicals, so complete filtration of any solvents is essential.

Unlike the hydrocarbon solvent extraction techniques mentioned above, less aggressive extraction methods using ethanol, CO2 or vegetable oils do not achieve the maximum amount of cannabinoids. These extraction techniques are more technically sophisticated and force the producer to use a better quality raw material with a greater abundance of beneficial compounds. CBD extracts manufactured with the solvents we use, preserve the organic combination of active substances in hemp and therefore result in a more effective CBD oil. This more artisanal oil also contains many other beneficial compounds that act in a complementary way to CBD, creating the “entourage effect”.

Use raw hemp extracts with a lower concentration of CBD but rich in natural phytocomplexes. To obtain a high concentration of cannabidiol, we select and purify the original extract.

Each batch of the resulting CBD oil is analysed, determining and guaranteeing its CBD content, along with that of the other original compounds. This is why Cibdol CBD oils are among the purest 100% natural remedies on the market today.

Learn more about CBD caps by visiting their website.

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